• I see you...

Most days you...

  • don't have or make time for yourself.
  • are overwhelmed and exhausted.
  • are anxious or depressed.

Deep down, you...

  • aren't happy.
  • feel disconnected from yourself and/or your loved ones.
  • are going through the motions of life, wishing you felt connected to it.

As a parent you...

  • tend to yell more than talk.
  • feel guilty because your anxiety shows up in your kids' behavior.
  • try to parent it out of your kids with control (which reminds you of your own childhood).

However, you...

  • want a passionate, deeper experience of life.
  • know that you are intuitive, and want to explore it further.
  • are desperately ready for a change.

Most importantly, you know there HAS to be a better way.
Now is your time to find it.

Tuesdays Starting 1/11/22

You're not alone.

 It's a thing.

We all have some kind of trauma or pain.
Rough childhoods are common, unfortunately
On top of that our inner EMPATH thinks she needs to take on everyone else's moods and feelings...
(Like, just because you CAN, means you SHOULD!?)

And the habitual escape with substances, electronics, or preoccupation with external things (being busy)
only makes you feel more anxious and susceptible to overwhelm.
When your body has not been a comfortable place to be due to pain or because you're too full of everyone else's energy, why wouldn't you want to dissociate?

I get it.
But you don't have to.
You don't have to be affected by other people's moods/emotions.
You don't have to check out.
You don't have to repeat familial patterns that don't serve you any more than they'll serve your kids
 (or grandkids, when your kids repeat the same patterns).
You don't have to yell.
You don't have to control.


You CAN learn how to be the master of your own energy, so you can respond with love rather than react from trauma.
You CAN choose your own experience of life
You CAN choose whether or not you let the emotions of others affect you
You have permission to create and maintain healthy boundaries  

The real superpower is in self mastery.

Knowing where you begin and end, so you can CHOOSE whether or not your taking on energy that is not yours.
Connecting spirit and body so you can live from your purpose, rather than your karma.
Navigating your intuition to heal yourself so that you are empowered in your life, not a victim of it.

I want to offer you an opportunity to experience what it's like to be held in a container
of other women and supported with love as you get brutally honest with yourself
around your habits and patterns so you can shift them!

We will meet on Tuesdays from 930-11 am MST. We will meet for 90 minutes each week. You will also have access to support from me and the other members in our private Facebook Group as well as via messaging from me.
You will learn energy tools with which to explore, navigate, and manage your energy. And then we will use the tools to heal, reprogram, and shift old patterns that are not in alignment with your highest possible evolution.

This is for you if you're ready to...


Your intuitive gifts are there to guide you in your life, help you cope, and give you a sense of direction.


If you're gifted, your children likely are, too. They also need support in exploring and honing their gifts.


What your mother went through and didn't heal, you now carry. Letting go and healing is so important.


Feminine energy is power. Feminine essence is flow. It is fullness. It is radiance and it is life force itself. It is an instinctual wild nature that all women possess.


We often live out of our conditioning, trauma, and triggers. Once you learn to shift it, you'll respond to all things with love.


It takes a tribe. It's hard to do this alone... be a great mom. Be a powerful woman. Be the highest version of yourself. Let your tribe help.


These tools will help you ground, heal, and realign yourself with your feminine power and intuition.


Often times, it's hard to ask for help. This container will offer you both accountability and support in a safe place for growth and sharing.


Your enrollment into this space is a devotion to your mental, emotional, and energetic self for 90 minutes a week. It is the space to develop a relationship with yourself like you've never had before and the avenue with which to fulfill your soul's purpose.

If you're a mom,
you're in the right place!

I will guide you in how to teach your children to know and manage their own energy. This will be a priceless gift for them as adults. If only someone had taught us when we were young! It also gives you some space as they develop healthy coping skills.


Miranda, I want to say thank you so much for everything. Funny how I kept you with the LENS on my goal list for over a year and was ready at the perfect time to start the therapy and this container too. So much has coincided for me these past months.

I've been in the healing world and conscious of so much for around 15 years or so, but I could never see at this level of awareness before. All the physical, mental, emotional clutter and debris is falling away bit by bit.  I've never seen female role models easily in my life so I'm very grateful for the work you've done on yourself and your guidance.

Thank you for stepping up and doing your part to fill this void in the world. 

  • Flex 4 Month
  • 4 payments of

    $375 USD

    per month

    Convenient, budget friendly monthly plans for financial flexibility.

    Enroll Now
  • (12) 90 min Wkly Zoom Sessions
  • Ongoing support by message or in our private Facebook group
  • Most popular
    Flex 3 Month
  • 3 payments of

    $460 USD

    per month

    Convenient, budget friendly monthly plans for financial flexibility.

    Enroll Now
  • (12) 90 min Wkly Zoom Sessions
  • Ongoing support by message or in our private Facebook group
  • Invest in Full

    $1297 USD


    Invest in yourself in full. You will never look back!

    Enroll Now
  • (12) 90 min Wkly Zoom Sessions
  • Ongoing support by message or in our private Facebook group

F. N.

Working with Miranda was such a pleasure. Her unique perspective and approach helped me to find new space to create change after years of feeling stuck despite all of the self-help tools and books. I now feel more connected to my own power and am able to share that at work, at home, and in all of my relationships. Thank you for helping me to open up to receive more in my life. 

N. B.

Miranda gave me:

-New spiritual tools and practices to really learn how to ground, why it's important and I have made it a part of my spiritual practice. I’ve worked with meditation teachers and spiritual coaches in the past and have not felt this level of connection to a true grounding practice.

- A firmer grasp on my version of reality. How to ask new questions to reframe my mindset and beliefs. Miranda holds a loving and safe, but firm space. She will call you out and hold you in love while you work it out and iron out those deep wrinkles.

- Relationship tools, meditation techniques, how to identify my own needs. I was able to identify parts of myself and accept why I chose these patterns, with truly unconditional self love and compassion. I was able to take responsibility for my past on a deeper level, and appreciate things that I previously resented. Being equipped with this shift might be one of my most profound takeaways.

-I was able to shift from being “reactive” to more reflective, and finally to more creative. I am now able to be less emotionally charged from external forces and take responsibility for my own experience in a new and powerful way.

I would recommend Miranda’s 12 week containers to everyone. She is an expert space holder and can gently yet powerfully guide you to heal yourself in the painful places. She keeps it real, shows up fully, and feels like you’re having coffee with a girlfriend. Those just beginning their spiritual journeys will be blessed to have such a brilliant and intuitive teacher to help lay the foundation for healthy spiritual practices

Those a little deeper into our spiritual paths will absolutely uncover new layers and discover deeper levels of awareness and responsibility for our own experience.

You may want to journal about your experience. You will Be encouraged to practice the tools between classes. The more you practice, the easier and more automatic it will become. It’s all about creating new habits!

We meet via a private recorded Zoom meeting. A recording will be emailed out after class in case you have to miss a live class, and so you can redo the meditations as you wish.

This is a recurring program that I offer every couple of months. This program is tried and true with great results.


Miranda has helped me cultivate self awareness and healing. She has helped me to identify my weaknesses in a clear and concise way so that I can focus on and improve them.

S. W.

Before working with Miranda for the 12 weeks I had only tried meditation a few times, not knowing if I was even doing it correctly. Through her in depth and patient guidance, Miranda taught me to get deep inside my inner self and channel into parts of myself I never believed existed. She showed me how to ground myself and explained how important it is to do as much as possible. She guided me through my chakras and I learned there is such thing as too deep at this time in my life. Something that is a work in progress. Miranda showed me tools to use to help me get out some anger issues I've been bottling up for years and how important it is for your inner being to release those thoughts and feelings. The most useful tool Miranda has taught me would be the power of breathing! Such a simple and easy tool to help calm and regroup every situation.

  • Flex 4 Month
  • 4 payments of

    $375 USD

    per month

    Convenient, budget friendly monthly plans for financial flexibility.

    Enroll Now
  • (12) 90 min Wkly Zoom Sessions
  • Ongoing support by message or in our private Facebook group
  • Most popular
    Flex 3 Month
  • 3 payments of

    $460 USD

    per month

    Convenient, budget friendly monthly plans for financial flexibility.

    Enroll Now
  • (12) 90 min Wkly Zoom Sessions
  • Ongoing support by message or in our private Facebook group
  • Invest in Full

    $1297 USD


    Invest in yourself in full. You will never look back!

    Enroll Now
  • (12) 90 min Wkly Zoom Sessions
  • Ongoing support by message or in our private Facebook group

I am a Registered Nurse and LENS Practitioner. Low Energy Neurofeedback helps heal the brain from many types of trauma. I am also a Certified Health Coach, with a special interest in Spiritual health.

Health issues, addictions, and past trauma are often a catalyst that points you on a journey of self discovery and transformation. After my career in the medical field, and experience with mainstream healthcare through my own struggle with cancer and addiction, it became apparent the lack of real care that was being offered.

 This was not in alignment with who I am or how I want to serve in this world. So, I became a Health Coach--to help people like me. I don't want to see a population of people dependent on medicine.

Disease, and even mental health issues, stem from some sort of energy that is stuck in your body, emotion, mind, or energetic field.

Are you really depressed? Or did you learn how to be depressed from a parent or caregiver?

Are you really anxious? Or have you been taking on other people’s emotions and energies your whole life, and now you are full...of everyone else, BUT YOU?

Are you really irritable and impatient? Or is your nervous system sensitive? Or did you learn that from a parent too?

You can learn to connect with and listen to your body in a way that you never have before. In a way that allows you to give yourself the self care you need to be your best self.

You can examine the patterns you learned vs what your soul came here to be.

You can lean in and connect with your ancestors, to heal the past, present and future of your lineage.

Healing your lineage and awareness around patterns can help you unmatch from those, and create the life you want. It ensures that the dysfunction you grew up in does not get passed to your own children and grandchildren.

And what if you knew your energetic system SO well that you could manage it in real time. I provide the tools and weekly practice so you can create new habits that support your highest purpose, rather than repeating karma.

And what if you had the support and resources on how to raise YOUR children to use these tools, just like you raise them to brush their teeth and do their homework?

You need a system, education, tools, support and accountability for you in your transformation toward freedom. You can learn what your body needs to feel and be its best. It’s time to unplug from the karmic loop of past trauma and shift your habits to more healthy ones.

Most of all, you can discover how to love yourself more so that you can honor, and care for your body in a way that supports your mind, and spirit as well. And teach your children to do the same.