For You if You
Most importantly, you know it is time.
You deserve to reap the benefits of your souls
The world needs your gifts.
Step into your greatest transformation yet.
Starting 1/21/2025
This container is, in full, 12 months of content.
The commitment is a minimum of 6 months.
Yes,one can quit if they so choose, but past students have looked forward to and enjoyed showing up every week.
On the way to mastering your spiritual gifts, you will learn tools that will serve to heal yourself-
and create habits that support your spiritual growth.
In order to receive clear intuitive messages you will be guided to target and clear out old outdated beliefs, thoughts, patterns, and habits that no longer serve you.
These habits were created over your entire lifetime. It takes time to reprogram to a new you.
Also, the 6 month commitment ensures a tight container. There will not be anyone coming in and out, allowing for greater vulnerability and deeper transformation.
At the end of 6 months, you will:
I want to offer you an opportunity to experience what it's like to be held in a container
with other like-minded people, and supported with love and compassion as you get brutally honest with yourself
around your habits and patterns so you can shift them!
We will meet Zoom-live on Wednesday mornings 9-11 pacific.
In addition, I will send one recorded meditation per week that will serve as instruction of new material or energy work. You will learn as you use these tools on your own energetic system. This is for your own healing. This is where you find and unload all the ways you limit yourself.
Wednesday class will serve as a practice lab where I will be available to coach you through blocks and resistances in real time, as you practice reading and healing on each other.
You will also have access to support from me and the other members in our private Facebook Group, as well as via messaging from me.
You will learn energy tools with which to explore, navigate, and manage your own energy. And then we will use the tools to read and heal yourself and each other, and shift any patterns that get in the way. Additionally, tools to navigate and master your access to the multiverse for ease of
In addition, we will work with the energies of Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary, Isis and other Ascended Masters, as well as the frequency and energy of Rose to activate you into higher codes of consciousness. This will supercharge your own healing, activate more of your intuitive gifts, and fast track your spiritual growth.
What you get:
This is for you if you're ready to...
Your intuitive gifts are there to guide you in your life, help you cope, and give you a sense of direction. Learn, explore and practice on others as a way to self mastery. Bring your souls purpose alive!
Become connected to what you truly need and want, and start doing more of it. Unapologetically.
Let the two polarities work in harmony to support the peace, harmony and magic you wish to create in your life.
Feminine energy is power and creativity. Feminine essence is flow. It is fullness. It is radiance and it is life force itself. It is an instinctual wild nature that all women possess, but most have been programmed to ignore. Tap into the magic of your creation.
We often live out of our conditioning, trauma, and triggers. Once you learn to shift it, you'll meet all things with love and neutrality. You can begin to respond from neutrality rather than reactivity.
Experience what its like to form deep soul relationships with the others inside the program. The kinds of relationships formed here are unlike any other. Plus you'll have a support system of readers and healers that you will be able to trade readings and healing with for years to come.
These tools will help you ground, heal, and realign yourself with your sacred power and intuition.
Often times, it's hard to ask for help. This container will offer you both accountability and support in a safe place for growth and sharing.
Your enrollment into this space is a devotion to your mental, emotional, and energetic self for 90 minutes a week. It is the space to develop a relationship with yourself like you've never had before and the avenue with which to fulfill your soul's purpose.
I will guide you in how to manage your own energy, intuitive gifts, and healing style. This will be a priceless not only for you, but all the people around you who benefit from you as a role model in healing self, as well as all you share your gifts with. You will also have a space to practice with live practice and individual coaching as you make your way to self mastery.
Doing this work allows you to clear out LOTS of old baggage. In doing so, it often comes to awareness on its way out.
Miranda is not a Therapist. If you have big trauma or think you might need additional support, please have a Therapist you can contact.
YOU are a Healer.
You are 100% capeable of healing yourself.
You may want to journal about your experience. You will Be encouraged to practice the tools between classes. The more you practice, the easier and more automatic it will become. It’s all about creating new habits!
We meet via a private recorded Zoom meeting. A recording will be emailed out after class in case you have to miss a live class, and so you can rewatch and redo the content as you wish.
The spots for this container are limited to 7
I am a Registered Nurse and LENS Practitioner. Low Energy Neurofeedback helps heal the brain from many types of trauma. I am also a Certified Health Coach, with a special interest in Spiritual health.
My own challenges with physical health and addiction, sent me on a path of finding a better way.
Since 2016 I have worked with amazing teachers and healers learning all I could about myself, my gifts, and how to heal and hold space for myself and others.
I went through my own Intuitive Development journey with the lovely Sarah Entrup, as well as a Teachers Training and taught as a sub in her ID program as needed. I have worked with Melissa Habibi as well, studying and being activated as an initiate in the Magdalene/Isis lineage of Priestesses. I am also Reiki II Certified.
I went from feeling lost, overwhelmed and like a victim to my own traumas and karma, to being solid and empowered enough to start my own Neurofeedback practice and Spiritual business and become the Queen of my own world.
I am really good at what I do, and love it so much it NEVER feels like a job. I have the skills and tools I need to allow me to hold space for others, as well as having the self care to make sure my own cup is always full, so I am able to hold clean and clear space for others to grow and transform.
Are you really anxious? Or have you been taking on other people’s emotions and energies your whole life, and now you are full...of everyone else, BUT YOU?
Are you really irritable and impatient? Or is your nervous system sensitive?
You can learn to connect with and listen to your body in a way that you never have before. In a way that allows you to give yourself the self care you need to be your best self.
You can examine the patterns you learned vs what your soul came here to be.
You can lean in and connect with your ancestors, to heal the past, present and future of your lineage.
Healing your lineage and awareness around patterns can help you unmatch from those, and create the life you want. It ensures that the dysfunction you grew up in does not get passed to your own children and grandchildren.
And what if you knew your energetic system SO well that you could manage it in real time. I provide the tools and weekly practice so you can create new habits that support your highest purpose, rather than repeating karma.
And what if you had the support and resources on how to raise YOUR children to use these tools, just like you raise them to brush their teeth and do their homework?
You need a system, education, tools, support and accountability for you in your transformation toward freedom. You can learn what your body needs to feel and be its best. It’s time to unplug from the karmic loop of past trauma and shift your habits to more healthy ones.
Most of all, you can discover how to love yourself more so that you can honor, and care for your body in a way that supports your mind, and spirit as well. And teach your children to do the same.